Lunch Menus

We are pleased to be able to confirm that we will be working with Great Glen Primary School from Monday 2nd December 2024. They are able to offer our school a three choice menu option.  This means that children have the choice of three main course meals.  It will be a meat option, a vegetarian option and a Jacket Potato option. (Please see below menus). 


How this works:

Children at morning registration time decide what meal they want on a daily basis. The teacher will record this information, which is then passed onto the school kitchen. We hope that you will encourage your child to have a hot dinner, they do not have to have one every day if on some days your child would like to bring in a packed lunch from home that is fine.


School dinners for children that pay for them (in classes 3 and 4) cost £2.65 per day (£13.25 weekly). 

Meals can be paid for by logging into the Parent Portal. Topping up accounts and viewing payments in the Parent Portal – Arbor Help Centre


MENU Week 1.pdf .pdf
MENU Week 2.pdf .pdf
MENU Week 3.pdf .pdf