School Information
The School Day, Routines & General Information
The School & Catchment Area
The school was built in 1875 and has undergone many alterations in 1991, 2006 and 2009/10 to bring it to the standard it is today. The School provides for the education of children living in Billesdon, Illston on the Hill, Rolleston, New Inn, Gaulby, Kings Norton, Frisby and Billesdon Coplow. The County Council provides free transport for children choosing Billesdon School who live in Tilton on the Hill.
Children living outside of this catchment area may also apply for a place if one is available.
The school has four classes: Joy Class (EYFS/Reception), Peace Class (Year 1 and 2), Hope Class (Year 3 and 4), Faith Class (Year 5 and 6)
Our School Day
School starts for all children with registration at 8:45am. Children may come into the playground area from 8:35am, the bell will be rung at 8:40am.
Morning break time: 10:40 to 10:55am
Lunch time: Joy & Peace Class 12:00 - 1:00pm
Hope & Faith Class 12:10 - 1:00pm
End of School: 3:15pm
Children will be supervised at the start of the day from 8:35am each day. We expect all children to be in their classrooms for 8:45am ready to be registered and to start work. After this time, gates onto the site will be closed and locked. Children arriving after this time must enter school through the main reception area.
Illness, Absence & Punctuality
It is the legal responsibility of parents to ensure their child attends school regularly and absence from school should not be permitted without good reason. Regular attendance at school enables children to cope more easily with school routines and work, thereby making learning more satisfying and ensuring greater progress both socially and academically.
If your child is unwell, please inform us by 9:00am on the first day of absence. It is our policy to follow up any unexplained absences immediately.
Please ensure your child arrives on time - even a small amount of lateness adds up to a lot missed work.
School Dinners
Children in Joy and Peace classes (EYFS, Y1 and Y2) are entitled to the Universal Infant Free School meals. If your child requires a special diet, please contact the school office for more information.
It is essential that all parents that qualify for Free School Meals still register their child with the Local Authority because the additional funding means that these children can benefit from additional school support, a reduction on the cost of school uniform and class trips. Please see the Free School Meals section for further details.
For KS2 children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, the cost of school meals is £2.25 per day. Payment for school meals is through the School Office.
Families of children and young people in full-time education may be entitled to claim Free School Meals, provided they receive a qualifying benefit. For further information and to find out if you qualify, please contact the School Office or, alternatively, you can visit the Leicestershire County Council website or contact the County Council directly using the following options:
Telephone: 0116 305 6588 or 0116 305 7093
Fax: 0116 305 5785
Children may also bring a packed lunch. We ask that lunches do not include items of food containing nuts, pineapple or kiwi fruit as we have children who have allergies. We are a nut free school and thank you for your support with this. We have also been awarded a "Healthy Schools" status and ask that you support us by promoting a healthy diet.
All children in Joy and Peace Classes (EYFS, Y1 and Y2) are offered a piece of fresh fruit free of charge at morning break time under the government Fruit for Schools scheme.
Hope and Faith Class children (Y3, 4, 5 and 6) may bring a piece of fruit or raw vegetables to eat at morning break time.
Milk is available free of charge to children aged under 5. All other children may have milk provided by registering and paying on a termly basis online through
School Uniform
Our School uniform is to be ordered online and any orders may be delivered to your home or to school. Please refer to our policy and to the Uniform Direct website for further details:
Uniform Direct, Dixon House, Dixon Way, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN6 7XN. Telephone: 01522 520016 Email:
Website to order: Uniform Direct
School Safety
Please drive and park safely on the roads around school, keeping dropped kerb areas clear. Parents are not permitted to use the School car park unless parking in the disabled bay.
We do our best to arrange deliveries at times other than the beginning and end of the school day but there are occasions when vehicles need access at these times.
Please remain considerate of our local residents and do not block any driveways. Always ensure that parking is considerate and provides clear access for pedestrians and pushchairs to pass safely.
Please do not park on the yellow zig-zag lines in front of the school.
Prescribed Medication
Prescribed medication will only be administered by school staff if clear written instructions to do so have been provided by parents or carers. Forms may be obtained from the School Office. Please note that staff are acting voluntarily in administering prescribed medications.
Non-Prescription Medication
School staff will not administer non-prescribed medication. Topical treatments, such as creams for minor conditions can be self-administered with written permission from parents and carers.
Emergency Treatments
Emergency treatments, such as the administration of an Epi-pen will only be administered in accordance with a care plan and following relevant staff training. Parents and carers must take responsibility for updating the school with any changes in administration for routine or emergency medication and maintain an in-date supply.
Inhalers are kept by the children or in the classroom as appropriate and are taken with the children to the swimming pool or on school trips. Older children may carry their own treatment medication but if this is not appropriate, the medication will be kept by the member of staff in charge.
All medication kept in school is stored securely and appropriately.
Complaints Procedure
At Billesdon C of E Primary School, it is our policy to work in partnership with parents and carers and the wider community. We believe that this co-operation and sense of joint purpose will assist in ensuring open and positive relationships. We take all concerns and complaints seriously and have procedures in place for dealing with them. Please refer to the School Policies for further information.
We are a non-smoking site and smoking is not permitted anywhere in the school buildings or grounds.
Dogs, other than guide dogs, are not permitted in the school buildings or grounds. Any animal visits to the site will be for a specific purpose and will have been risk assessed prior to the visit.