
PE Progression of Skills - click here


 At Billesdon C of E Primary School, we aim to provide a high quality PE curriculum which will develop our children's stamina, resilience, physical skills within a range of sports and develop a high level of understanding of how PE contributes to a healthy body and lifestyle.  We want to enable our children to complete in competitive sports events and feel a sense of personal achievement to the best of their abilities.  Our provision is designed to build confident life skills and enable children to apply their knowledge to a healthy lifestyle as adults.  Our provision is delivered by both our Class Teachers and a Specialist Sports Coach on a weekly basis to support training and development.



PE – Curriculum Overview EYFS to Year 6 - click here

 Our school uses the Striver scheme of work to develop the knowledge and skills within the National Curriculum requirements for PE.  The teaching of knowledge and skills across our mixed age classes is managed to ensure progression and build up from the specific Early Year Early Learning Goals into the National Curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2.  The Early Learning Goals are met through key strands covering Skill Based Challenges, Agility & Movement, Dance, Gymnastics, Catching & Throwing, Ball Skills and Athletics and are underpinned by Well-being units in Yoga, Personal Care and Teamwork.  Throughout KS1 and KS2, the progression of knowledge and skills builds up across 4 aspects - Games, Dance, Athletics and Gymnastics, underpinned by Well-being units in Yoga, Personal Care, Sleep, Mindfulness, Nutrition and Teamwork..  Swimming tuition is provided in KS2 for the autumn term annually, with provision in place for all children to meet the National Curriculum attainment goals.  

The school ensures that PE is inclusive for all and offers a range of extra opportunities to further develop skills through a subscription to our local Sports Partnership - SLSSP; South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership.  Through this offer, opportunities are provided to children with SEND, to boost access to sports for children, development festivals to foster an enjoyment and taste of a wider range of sports and events at a competitive level for local schools and across the County on a wider basis.

Billesdon currently holds a Gold School Sports Games Mark for its commitment and engagement in School Sports and strives continually to maintain this level of achievement.


 Class teachers and a Specialist Sports Coach assess skills within each unit of work against the taught objectives continually and encourage self assessment and peer assessment with the children to further enhance impact.  Staff will then make informed judgements using our assessment systems to inform progress and attainment throughout the year based on the unit learning objectives.


Link to National Curriculum for PEclick here