Academic Year 2022-23
The school will be holding whole school Collective Worship this year. Our provision of Collective Worship will run on a rota to continue the provision established during the Covid-19 period which successfully and widely linked provision across the Launde Deanery of schools.
On Mondays, the theme of the week will be introduced by the Headteacher - we use themes, our termly Christian Values and our Route 2 Resilience values. as a basis for our Collective Worship.
On Tuesdays, we continue using our chosen themes led by Class Teachers, Reverend Jonathan and Keith Evans (Church Warden) on a rota basis.
On Wednesdays, the whole school will reflect within their classes on the themes of the week with tasks and activities provided by the Class Teachers. Each term there will be Class Collective Worships delivered to the whole school based on the Route 2 Resilience theme.
On Thursdays, the school will enjoy sessions with the Open the Book team from St John the Baptist Parish Church in Billesdon or The Billesdon Chapel to share within the classes or as a school.
On Fridays, the school will celebrate together and share news in our Achievement Assemblies.
Autumn Term 1 - Christian Value: Wisdom, Route 2 Resilience Value: Problem Solving
Autumn Term 2 - Christian Value: Hope, Route 2 Resilience Value: Curiosity & Imagination
Spring Term 1 - Christian Value: Trust, Route 2 Resilience Value: Courage & Perseverance
Spring Term 2 - Christian Value: Forgiveness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Independence
Summer Term 1 - Christian Value: Compassion, Route 2 Resilience Value: Resilience
Summer Term 2 - Christian Value: Thankfulness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Confidence
Year 6 - Black Lives Matters Assembly
Reverend Alison and our local community produced a video to share with school. Click here for the video.
Year 6 - Pride Assembly
Reverend Alison and Reverend Wendy shared a video for Pride Month 2020. Click here for the video.
Following on from the 8 words we chose to link our Christian Values with our Route 2 Resilience program (Curiosity, Courage, Confidence, Perseverance, Problem Solving, Imagination, Independence & Resilience), our next step along our spiritual journey is to learn about the Bible story we have chosen to learn about at different levels throughout the school. Each class will be looking at our Bible story each academic year to explore their understanding of the story through discussions, art, writing, drama, dance, music, song and other activities, at appropriate levels.
To start inspiring them, below is an image that will be explored of ‘Jesus with the Woman at the well’ by Jhoti Sahi.
Academic Year 2022-23
The school will be holding whole school Collective Worship this year. Our provision of Collective Worship will run on a rota to continue the provision established during the Covid-19 period which successfully and widely linked provision across the Launde Deanery of schools.
On Mondays, the theme of the week will be introduced by the Headteacher - we use themes, our termly Christian Values and our Route 2 Resilience values. as a basis for our Collective Worship.
On Tuesdays, we continue using our chosen themes led by Class Teachers, Reverend Jonathan and Keith Evans (Church Warden) on a rota basis.
On Wednesdays, the whole school will reflect within their classes on the themes of the week with tasks and activities provided by the Class Teachers. Each term there will be Class Collective Worships delivered to the whole school based on the Route 2 Resilience theme.
On Thursdays, the school will enjoy sessions with the Open the Book team from St John the Baptist Parish Church in Billesdon or The Billesdon Chapel to share within the classes or as a school.
On Fridays, the school will celebrate together and share news in our Achievement Assemblies.
Autumn Term 1 - Christian Value: Wisdom, Route 2 Resilience Value: Problem Solving
Autumn Term 2 - Christian Value: Hope, Route 2 Resilience Value: Curiosity & Imagination
Spring Term 1 - Christian Value: Trust, Route 2 Resilience Value: Courage & Perseverance
Spring Term 2 - Christian Value: Forgiveness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Independence
Summer Term 1 - Christian Value: Compassion, Route 2 Resilience Value: Resilience
Summer Term 2 - Christian Value: Thankfulness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Confidence
Year 6 - Black Lives Matters Assembly
Reverend Alison and our local community produced a video to share with school. Click here for the video.
Year 6 - Pride Assembly
Reverend Alison and Reverend Wendy shared a video for Pride Month 2020. Click here for the video.
Following on from the 8 words we chose to link our Christian Values with our Route 2 Resilience program (Curiosity, Courage, Confidence, Perseverance, Problem Solving, Imagination, Independence & Resilience), our next step along our spiritual journey is to learn about the Bible story we have chosen to learn about at different levels throughout the school. Each class will be looking at our Bible story each academic year to explore their understanding of the story through discussions, art, writing, drama, dance, music, song and other activities, at appropriate levels.
To start inspiring them, below is an image that will be explored of ‘Jesus with the Woman at the well’ by Jhoti Sahi.
Academic Year 2022-23
The school will be holding whole school Collective Worship this year. Our provision of Collective Worship will run on a rota to continue the provision established during the Covid-19 period which successfully and widely linked provision across the Launde Deanery of schools.
On Mondays, the theme of the week will be introduced by the Headteacher - we use themes, our termly Christian Values and our Route 2 Resilience values. as a basis for our Collective Worship.
On Tuesdays, we continue using our chosen themes led by Class Teachers, Reverend Jonathan and Keith Evans (Church Warden) on a rota basis.
On Wednesdays, the whole school will reflect within their classes on the themes of the week with tasks and activities provided by the Class Teachers. Each term there will be Class Collective Worships delivered to the whole school based on the Route 2 Resilience theme.
On Thursdays, the school will enjoy sessions with the Open the Book team from St John the Baptist Parish Church in Billesdon or The Billesdon Chapel to share within the classes or as a school.
On Fridays, the school will celebrate together and share news in our Achievement Assemblies.
Autumn Term 1 - Christian Value: Wisdom, Route 2 Resilience Value: Problem Solving
Autumn Term 2 - Christian Value: Hope, Route 2 Resilience Value: Curiosity & Imagination
Spring Term 1 - Christian Value: Trust, Route 2 Resilience Value: Courage & Perseverance
Spring Term 2 - Christian Value: Forgiveness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Independence
Summer Term 1 - Christian Value: Compassion, Route 2 Resilience Value: Resilience
Summer Term 2 - Christian Value: Thankfulness, Route 2 Resilience Value: Confidence
Year 6 - Black Lives Matters Assembly
Reverend Alison and our local community produced a video to share with school. Click here for the video.
Year 6 - Pride Assembly
Reverend Alison and Reverend Wendy shared a video for Pride Month 2020. Click here for the video.
Following on from the 8 words we chose to link our Christian Values with our Route 2 Resilience program (Curiosity, Courage, Confidence, Perseverance, Problem Solving, Imagination, Independence & Resilience), our next step along our spiritual journey is to learn about the Bible story we have chosen to learn about at different levels throughout the school. Each class will be looking at our Bible story each academic year to explore their understanding of the story through discussions, art, writing, drama, dance, music, song and other activities, at appropriate levels.
To start inspiring them, below is an image that will be explored of ‘Jesus with the Woman at the well’ by Jhoti Sahi.