1. Our Community
  2. Governing Body
  3. The Role of the Governing Body

The Role of the Governing Body


The Governing Body has a strategic and supportive role and we work in close partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the school and staff. Our aim is to provide a strategic view, ensure accountability and be a critical friend to the school. Governors have general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to providing high standards of education in an environment where all pupils feel safe and can fulfill their potential.

In particular, we have responsibility for:

  • ensuring that there are appropriate systems and procedures in place to cover all aspects of the Safeguarding agenda, including safe recruitment, to ensure all our pupils are safe
  • approving and managing the school’s budget
  • agreeing and setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement
  • improvement in pupils’ progress, standards of achievement in the school and scrutiny of school data making sure a broad and balanced curriculum gives all pupils the opportunity make good progress, to be taught and learn well in our school
  • ensuring the ethos of the school promotes our Christian and British Values.

The Governing Body and individual Governors are expected to conduct our business in a professional manner, with the focus on the best outcomes for children at the heart of all that we do and to maintain and respect confidentiality at all times.  The Governors are expected to attend 3 Full Governing Body Meetings – one of each per term – and these are held in the evening, with additional meetings for specific Committees throughout the year. Governors also meet with staff for informal discussions about development plans for each subject at least once a year and we make a curriculum-based visit each term working closely with a lead teacher, reporting back to the Governing Body. This enables us to have a confident overview of the school and its priorities and helps to ensure that our decisions about the school are made with knowledge and understanding. Governors are responsible for the recruitment and appointment of the Headteacher and are involved in the recruitment of staff. We also support the school from time to time in other less formal ways - for example by attending Collective Worship, church services, school performances and sports days and other special days in the life of the school.