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    MISSING - Can you help?

    8 June 2023 (by Lisa Wilcocks (l.willcocks))


    Have you seen a soft toy sprout?

    SPRUSSEL the soft toy sprout was brought into school to do an very important job recently.  Unfortunately, he has been lost and we need everyone's help to find him.

    He is pale green in colour and has a small, smiley face.  He has 3 leaves that wrap up around him.  He is very much missed and our pupil needs him back if possible.

    Could everyone please check around home to see if SPRUSSEL can be seen?  He may have been picked up mistakenly (as he is rather lovely).  There is a Missing poster attached for identification purposes.

    If found, please could Sprussel be brought to the School Office (anonymity guaranteed) so that Sprussel can be returned to his owner?

    Thank you for your help.